Decreased bone density

What is decreased bone density?

Decreased bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis, occurs when the struts and plates that make up bone tissue become thinner and less dense over time. This causes bones to become fragile and increases the risk of fractures and breaks.

Some key things to know about decreased bone density:

Have you been putting off getting your bone density tested? The caring medical team at Hormone Harmony encourages women and men over 50 to schedule a bone density exam. It's a quick and painless way to take charge of your bone health – call today to make an appointment! Our comprehensive osteoporosis treatment program includes personalized nutrition plans and fitness guidance to help improve bone density.

The takeaway: decreased bone density creeps up silently, making bones weaker and more fracture-prone over time. But catching it early and taking preventative action allows the best chance to strengthen bones and avoid breaks.

Who gets bone density screening?

Medical experts recommend bone density screening for:

I hope this breakdown gives you a helpful overview of what decreased bone density is. Please let me know if you have any other questions! The committed osteoporosis specialists at Hormone Harmony are always happy to offer free consultations to discuss bone health concerns. We want to see you take proactive steps to build strong, fracture-resistant bones at every age.

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