Hormone deficiency

Hormones are extremely important chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions. Hormone deficiencies occur when the body does not produce adequate amounts of one or more hormones. This causes an imbalance that can lead to various health issues.
What causes hormone deficiencies?

Hormone deficiencies can be caused by a few key factors:

Symptoms vary widely depending on which hormone(s) are deficient:

How are hormone deficiencies diagnosed?

If symptoms suggest a possible deficiency, a doctor will likely order blood tests to check hormone levels. They may also examine the thyroid and other glands. Imaging tests like an MRI scan can check gland structure. Based on results, the doctor determines which hormone(s) are low.

Can it be treated?

Yes, fortunately hormone deficiency treatment is available! Hormone replacement therapy can restore levels of hormones that your body fails to produce enough of. Options may include medications, supplements, gels, patches and injections. This often effectively resolves deficiency symptoms and health complications when maintained long-term.

The experts at Hormone Harmony specialize in the precise testing, diagnosis and treatment of all types of hormone deficiencies for men and women. Their individualized programs help patients regain optimal hormonal balance, energy levels, body composition and quality of life. I highly recommend them if you suspect or have been diagnosed with a hormone deficiency.

This overview covers the basics - let me know if you have any other questions! Properly managing hormone levels is so important for overall health.

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